Creative people - sometimes we just feel a bit lost. There are days, even weeks if we're lucky, when our heads are spinning with ideas like a creative kaleidoscope! Then there are times when imagination is so lacking that we can't even face a conversation with ourselves - for fear of it being soooo dull! Torturous times indeed. I still have way more than my fair share of these "darker days." I'll be honest - I hate them. My family probably hates them more as my mood can be, shall I say, less than my usual positive self! But what I am learning is that these phases (isn't everything just a phase) are often an important step in our creative evolution - the time in between vital breaths, the stillness before dawn, the pregnant pause! They are not the end but in fact the beginning of a whole new and exciting birth of ideas and activity. They mark the calm before the wonderful, whirlwind of a creative storm! Our hearts and minds are resting, getting our subconscious thoughts into order, making sense of them, linking them.....getting ready to blow everything clean out of the water! So try not to be disheartened, be kind to yourself and recognise that soon you WILL TAKE ACTION - you may even be about to produce your best work to date! It's important to be patient, sit tight but PAY ATTENTION to the gentle whispers of the creative cross winds, and as they get stronger you must set your sails accordingly, catch the breeze and sail out into the seas of opportunity. Or take flight to the skies as in this fab little video. There are some simple exercises that really work in getting the creative juices flowing and
I'll share some of these next time. What are your top tips for coping with a stagnant phase - please share! Happy Creating! x
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November 2021