Exhibition runs 27, 28 Feb and 1 Mar 2015Set-up day at The Foundry, Camden Market. Wrapped artwork arriving and interactive touch screens being installed. All very calm and under control. More photos to follow on Thursday 26 February at the Artists Afternoon and Press Launch.
Can't wait to see my paintings on the wall! www.artfinder.com/popup/camden/
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![]() Recently my style of painting has changed for the better. Friends are asking me what's happened; how come I'm suddenly really enjoying this creative process? Furthermore, and perhaps the best bit for me, is that people are paying me for my artwork, even as far away as Australia. Naturally I'm feeling more than a tad chuffed! So what's happened? Quite simply, I've read a book which has been on my radar for the past 13 years. It's a well known book within creative industries called "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron, and boy has made an impact on me. My whole attitude to painting has improved. In fact my whole attitude to creative writing, taking photographs, even walking the dog has improved. By the end of the first chapter I was selling more paintings. That's right - the first chapter (now I'm sounding like a TV advert)! You have to work through exercises and basically deal with your Sh*t - and then turn all the negative, limiting beliefs ("Blurts" as the author calls them) on their heads. A v.e.r.y s.i.m.p.l.e t.h.i.n.g t.o d.o. I admit that a I skipped through a couple of the exercises by doing them in my head and not on paper (having children does that to you), but it doesn't seemed to have halted the process. Good things are starting to happen in my creative career. I'm thrilled that I now have more confidence in my abilities and belief in myself. Two months ago I was struggling, doubting myself and hating every bit of painting. Now I'm enjoying focusing on the doing and not the judging. Art should be fun, and so should life - this book really helps both. I'm off to read it again. Oh yeah, did I mention that I have also been accepted to exhibit my paintings in Camden, London at the end of this month? Yup - bit excited! Below I have put a link straight through to the book at Amazon - that's how good I think it is. Good luck and happy reading! |
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November 2021