As with so many artists, music is an incredible inspiration. I hadn't listened to This Mortal Coil's 'Song To The Siren' for many years, but one evening it found me again. It's uniquely mesmerising tones returned to haunt me . . . and once more I fell in love; willingly surrendering as if lured by the siren herself, the following painting emerged.
Shimmering and sparkling, the sunlit path on the winter sea is a danger to swimmers. Its alluring fascination pulls you in, deeper and deeper. Lost in its magic our hearts are given-up, our bodies obey; mindlessly we follow the undulating current as if lured by the irresistible song of a siren... Stay alert! For it is when you feel comfortable and settled in the waters icy grip that the damage is already unfolding, and as hard as it is to pull yourself must! Beware, the cold winter sea can be the most enticingly beautiful yet punishing lover. Bracklesham Bay, West Sussex. Winter 2016/2017
November 2021